Friday, February 18, 2005

Before the Crocodile Hunter...

...there was a show called Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. I can still hear Marlin Perkins say, "Look out, Jim, those teeth are rrrrrrrrrazor sharp!!" Man, watching that show used to be the cat's meow. So today I tried looking up some information on it and sure enough there is a website and I see that video clips are also there.

And similarly, there was my dad. I fondly recall the day in which he discovered that turkey vultures were nesting in a small cave on the south hillside that runs behind the barn. He came back excitedly to the house and rounded us up for a walk in the woods. When we arrived at the cave entrance, he crawled inside. I could hear a few grunts and flapping of wings, and after a little bit he came out carrying, with difficulty, with this huge bird with a red head, hooked beak and wingspan that boggled the mind. It was disconcerting for a child of only 4 or 5. The bird made a last ditch effort to escape his grip by regurgitating its dinner, which has had a lasting impression upon me. I always think of that day when I see those mammoths birds floating effortlessly above me. In the summer here, I can often sit in my back yard and see them circling the radio tower and roosting on the metal beams. One time I counted 28 of them in a round of synchronized soaring.


Blogger Tim said...

Your dad sounds like a hell of a guy. My dad was only interested in animals that could be eaten. I would be terrified to handle a turkey vulture bare-handed. He didn't get scratched or nipped? Given their diet, I would imagine that their beaks are pretty septic. Still, that's a great story.

February 19, 2005 3:41 AM  
Blogger Immaculate Deception said...

No, he didn't get nipped or anything. I recall that he was wearing gloves and long sleeves to protect himself a bit.
Goodness, there are many thoughts dancing inside my head right now. Dad has a lot of great qualities, yes, but he was also a strict disciplinarian which leaves a few mixed feelings sometimes. He also spent a lot of time playing sports with us, which is how he chose to show his love rather than through hugs. I remember playing HORSE with him until the odd hours in the morning, under the yardlight. Considering he was horribly abused by his dad, I guess that he did really well with what parenting tools he was given.
He's mellowed a lot now, however, and my niece gets a way with all sorts of things. Heh. It's funny to see him be so consternated over her sometimes. She's an outspoken little fireball, given to making rules up as she goes. Ha!
So yes, his wonderment of nature has certainly rubbed off on all of his children, and it's one of the greatest gifts that he could have given to us. Our best vacations were the hiking and camping adventures in Colorado, by far. Good, good memories there. Oh, and he was a hunter, too. Not anymore so much, with his diminishing eyesight. I'm glad the squirrels in his woods are safe!! :)

February 19, 2005 7:37 AM  
Blogger Immaculate Deception said...

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February 19, 2005 7:38 AM  

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